#KeeleySafe: Safety Week + Safety Fair
By: Safety Ray
Last month from April 29 - May 3, we participated in Safety Week. Each year, this week is dedicated to being #KeeleySafe and educating our Keeley'ns and their families on how to stay safe. Topics included head injury prevention, gun safety in the home, substance abuse awareness, and distracted driving. We were so thrilled to be able to provide amazing resources and help our Keeley'ns keep their families safe.
Safety Meetings are an integral part of our safety culture. Meetings are held regularly at all of our company locations and always end by reciting our own Safety Pledge:

I will not commit an unsafe act.
I will not let someone else commit an unsafe act.
I will do whatever it takes to get to zero unsafe acts.
Along with our regular safety meetings, we also offered CPR training during Safety Week. CPR training can be life-saving and we want our Keeley'ns to feel prepared and confident at all times.
On May 4, we concluded Safety Week with a celebration of our amazing safety culture with our Annual Safety Fair. Held at our ADB Headquarters in Pacific, MO, we applauded our Keeley'ns and their passion for driving to ZERO and making it home safe every night.

Full of family fun, activities, and (of course) safety, it was amazing to see our friends and family embrace our safety culture just as much as we do. We had carnival games, arcade games, and the local police and fire departments there in order to teach our kids about safety and show them some equipment. Of course, it wouldn't be Safety Fair without the infamous dunk tank, and some of our favorite Keeley'ns braved the icy water in the name of safety.
If you want to learn more about our safety culture, check out our educational videos with Safety Ray here.