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#KeeleyCares: The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis

By: Mary Sly

The COVID-19 crisis has greatly affected the underserved in our community. The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis has stepped up to serve and provide assistance for thousands of families in need. #KeeleyCares is blessed to work alongside and support the important work of the Urban League.

The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis has been serving St. Louis communities for over 102 years. Their mission is to empower African Americans and others throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance, social equality and civil rights. #KeeleyCares is thankful to partner with this incredible organization because together we are able to truly make a difference during these difficult times. You can learn more about the Urban League here.

Keeley’ns from across the Keeley Companies have come out every Saturday to help provide these families with two weeks’ worth of food, toiletries, and safety items. It is a full day of hard work, but it is rewarding to know that we are making a difference in our community as we serve over 3,000 families each week. #KeeleyCares' funds, equipment, and volunteers are playing an essential role in these endeavors. It is an amazing community effort and we are grateful to be involved!

Check out this video to hear from CEO, Rusty Keeley, about how the food drives work and the impact they are having on our communities.

If you are interested in volunteering, check out the schedule below and click here!

July 11th Jamestown

July 18th Aubert

July 25th Jamestown

August 1st Aubert

August 8th Jamestown

Learn more about #KeeleyCares here.

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