2022 Culture Week Recap
At Keeley Companies, we pride ourselves on our world-class culture and will take any opportunity we can to celebrate our people who make this culture possible! On February 21, we kicked off this year’s Culture Week with different activities each day dedicated to our cultural pillars.
To kick-off Culture Week, and in honor of Black History Month, we welcomed Fred Falker of Chapman and Co. to speak to our Keeley’ns about how to better connect with those around us. His presentation about “seeing the box” showed us that we can’t separate ourselves from our conscious and unconscious biases as human beings as they are a part of who we are. He gave us tactics on how we can change our behavior towards others by recognizing that we are seeing the box rather than seeing the person. This was an engaging, informative session that will help us continue to foster an environment of inclusion at Keeley Companies.
Tuesday was all about KeeleySafe! Our monthly Safety Meeting was held for everyone to attend. Our Marketing Team also took time to visit local jobsites in St. Louis to spread some excitement about our culture with donuts and our world-famous swag! On Wednesday, we engaged our Keeley’ns across the country in a game of virtual BINGO! Each Keeley’n had BINGO cards mailed to their home so they could participate for the chance to win one of ten amazing prizes. Every time a number was emailed out, it included a fun KeeleyLife or KeeleyGreen tip on how we can improve our health and well-being and work to build a more sustainable future at Keeley Companies and in our lives. Congratulations to our BINGO winners!
Rich Perry | Kerry Castaneda | Alex Lane | Diana Ramirez | Aggie Sherwin
Ryan Crawford| Daniel Bradley | Dan Gronek | Matt Korte | Chayse Richardson
Thursday night was our headlining event: Culture Night! Our CEO, Rusty Keeley, and our cultural pillar leaders presented from office across the nation to give an update on the amazing things our people accomplished in 2021, announce our award winners who went above and beyond for our culture in 2021, and discuss opportunities to get involved! We are so proud of these Keeley’ns for their efforts in living out each pillar’s mission and enhancing the entire Keeley’n culture of Keeley Companies.
KeeleyWay Person of the Year: Michael Flavin
Safety Person of the Year: Keith Smith
KeeleyOne Person of the Year: Penny Curl
#KeeleyCares Giver of the Year: Reid Chunn
KeeleyU Learning Champion of the Year: Jamie Chapin
KeeleyLife Champion of the Year: Allyson Schoenberg
Finally, on Saturday, we joined our friends at the Urban League to volunteer at one of their incredible food distributions. Keeley’ns came out to help serve 2,000 families by giving them food and much needed supplies and PPE. We are so grateful for our partnership with the Urban League and proud of our Keeley’ns who make a difference in our communities every single day. Learn more about our partnership with the Urban League here.
Thank you to our Keeley’ns for an amazing week! We are so proud of our culture, and our people!. We are already counting down the days to Culture Week 2023!