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Eight New Charities on the Wall of Compassion!

2022 was an amazing year for #KeeleyCares and we are so proud to add eight new charities to our ever-growing Wall of Compassion! Wall of Compassion charities receive ongoing support from #KeeleyCares and Keeley’ns across the nation.

Boy Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts of America provides the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training, which helps young people be “Prepared. For. Life.” The Scouting organization is composed of approximately 2.2 million youth members between the ages of 5 and 21 and approximately 800,000 volunteers in local councils throughout the United States and its territories. Since its inception in 1910, more than 130 million young men and women have participated in the Boy Scouts of America’s youth programs. More than 35 million adult volunteers, including numerous Keeley’ns, have helped carry out the Boy Scouts of America’s mission, which aligns incredibly closely with Keeley’s own mission and values.

“I’m passionate about the Boy Scouts of America because I want to pass on my unique Scouting experiences to my son and other youth in our area. Boy Scouts of America provided me with both the opportunities to participate in experiences that I would not have ordinarily had and the drive to attain accomplishments, such as the rank of Eagle Scout and beyond. The experiences that I had at a young age and the learning process of setting & achieving goals have been a huge benefit in my professional and personal life.”

-Michael Flavin, Business Development Manager, Keeley Construction

Learn more about the Boy Scouts of America here!

December 5th Fund

The mission of the December 5th Fund is to give a day without worry to families with a loved one who is afflicted with cancer and currently undergoing active cancer treatment. The December 5th Fund creates memories that last a lifetime, long after the burden of cancer is gone. Cancer touches everyone and in 2022, Keeley’ns volunteered their time and talents to assist the December 5th Fund in planning and executing several projects for local families going through cancer treatments. These projects included outdoor clean-up, landscaping, and light construction. Keeley’ns even attended a Boot Camp fundraiser to raise money for the organization while being active in the process!

“I am passionate about this organization because they intentionally meet these families right where they need it. They aren’t trying to cure cancer. Instead, they try to relieve all obstacles in the way of fighting it as hard as possible. Watching several family members go through treatments, I can attest to just how impactful their work is and how overlooked those needs can be to the masses. I brought this organization to #KeeleyCares because I knew we had the people that could take their kindness and mission to the next level of impact!”

-Nikki MacDonald, Controller, Keeley Construction

Learn more about the December 5th Fund here!

Crisis Nursery

St. Louis Crisis Nursery is committed to the prevention of child abuse and neglect and provides trauma-informed emergency intervention, 24-hour respite care, and support to families in crisis through:

·Short-term care for young children in a safe and nurturing environment

·Empowering families to resolve crises and build resiliency through culturally responsive interventions

·Equitable access to concrete support, crisis counseling, and parenting education

·Grassroots community outreach and training to build child abuse prevention awareness

·Advocacy for the safety and well-being of all children and families in our region

Our very own Jim Lee joined the Board of Directors and brought Crisis Nursery to #KeeleyCares. Keeley’ns have participated in fundraisers and heard from CEO DiAnne Mueller during Keeley’s United Way Week. Our Building Group is also working on much-needed repairs to Crisis Nursery’s main facility in St. Louis.

“The St. Louis Crisis Nursery is a wonderful organization that provides a safe haven for children that are facing a variety of challenges at home. They care for over 5,000 children each year and help the families so that the children have a chance for a brighter future. My wife and I are proud to support this incredible organization as their mission is so important for the future of our community.”

-Jim Lee, Executive VP, Keeley Construction

Learn more about Crisis Nursery here!


The Keeley Construction Building Group was proud to work on a multi-phase project with the APA in St. Louis, MO. Through the relationship formed during that project, #KeeleyCares has been able to provide the APA with fundraising as well as raising awareness for their adoptable animals with our weekly internal newsletter, the Hump Day Happenings! #KeeleyCares’ support and donations helped fund their intake room which is where all animals go when they first enter the APA facility. This state-of-the-art room allows APA team members to evaluate and treat all animals before they are ready to enter the main facility. This partnership has inspired several Keeley’ns and their families to adopt some of the animals from the APA.

“My favorite thing about the APA is how much they focus on wellness for these animals and pets being part of human wellness. They have several programs that promote this and do a lot of work with the underserved. Pets are our support system and the APA constantly provides help to victims of domestic abuse and homeless individuals so they can keep their pets.”

-Lauren Griffin, #KeeleyCares Advocate

Learn more about the APA here!

Room at the Inn

Room at the Inn is a shelter for women, children, and families who are homeless. Their purpose is to help these families get into a home of their own and equip them with the tools needed to prevent them from becoming homeless again. Room at the Inn shelters with a purpose so families can have the future they deserve, supporting their clients and putting them in the best possible position to move into and sustain a home of their own.

John Herrin joined the board in early 2022 after he was introduced to the organization by Larry Keeley and Dick James. Since then, #KeeleyCares has facilitated two volunteer events in which several Keeley’ns and their families gave 126 hours and over $2,500 to support the mission of Room at the Inn.

“The homeless problem seems like an unsolvable issue, but Room at the Inn is doing everything they can to solve it, specifically for homeless families and children, providing them with a path to permanent housing, life skills, counseling, and schooling.”

-John Herrin, VP of Manufacturing, Keeley Construction

Learn more about Room at the Inn here!

Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation is boldly pursuing a cure for America’s #1 cause of disability. They are championing the fight to conquer arthritis with life-changing science, resources, advocacy, and community connections. By advancing research and disease management support, the Arthritis Foundation helps navigate the many challenges that arthritis brings, making powerful connections that lead to real, meaningful change.

Allyson Schoenberg joined the Arthritis Foundation as a volunteer in early 2022. She quickly saw how the organization would be a perfect fit for Keeley to be involved with on two fronts. With #KeeleyCares, Keeley could find volunteers and support the local Walk to Cure and Jingle Bell Run events with volunteers, participants, and donors. Arthritis affects 60 million (1 in 5) Americans, and the rate is even higher in the construction industry, providing KeeleyLife a perfect opportunity to get involved. The Arthritis Foundation has a free program called Arthritis@Work, in which employers are provided a branded landing page with resources for arthritis sufferers. Keeley’ns donated over $2,000 in 2022, served as volunteers and participants at each event, and Allyson even became a member of the leadership board for Eastern Missouri.

“I chose to join the Arthritis Foundation because I am what the arthritis community calls a ‘Warrior’ as I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune form of arthritis called rheumatoid arthritis. This is one of the five most common types of arthritis – there are over 100 total – and I am proud to be part of an organization that supports them all!”

-Allyson Schoenberg, Financial Facilities Planner, Keeley Construction

Learn more about the Arthritis Foundation here!

Down Syndrome Association

The mission of the Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis is to serve, support, and celebrate the lives of all individuals with Down Syndrome and their families through every stage of life while building an inclusive community where all people with Down Syndrome can achieve their full potential.

Keeley has actively supported the Down Syndrome Association for years, but it is because of Beau Reinberg that it is being added to the Wall of Compassion. Beau was elected to the Board of Directors and brought even more awareness to this incredible organization. #KeeleyCares participates in the annual Walk in the Park, the Association’s largest fundraiser, and Keeley’ns have spent countless hours building awareness and donating their time, talent, and treasure.

“The Down Syndrome Association is important to me because of the unbelievable support it has provided for my family and my beautiful eight-year-old daughter, Isabel.

-Beau Reinberg, Principal, Best Box Storage

Learn more about the Down Syndrome Association here!

Sullivan Life House Youth Center

The Sullivan Life House Youth Center provides youth ages 10-17 a fun, structured, safe, and loving place to spend time with their peers after school and in the summer. A meal, homework assistance, internet access, learning a new skill or hobby, and being surrounded by people who care about them are all part of the program led by caring staff members and volunteers who constantly seek to foster values, morale, life skills, and self-confidence.

#KeeleyCares brings dinner to Life House every other month and spends time with the students there. #KeeleyCares has sponsored a water-splash day, game day, and different life talks led by team members who have relatable and inspiring stories to share.

“Our volunteers love working with the youth at Life House and are dedicated to spending quality time with them. Several people have brought their spouses and kids to join in the activities and hang with the Life House crew. We are grateful for the opportunity to interact with the youth served by the compassionate leaders at Life House.”

-Mary Sly, VP of #KeeleyCares

Learn more about the Sullivan Life House Youth Center here!


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