#KeeleyCares 2020 Recap
By: Mary Sly
2020 was a year of change for #KeeleyCares. While we were unable to host many of our annual events, more people were in need of our help than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone in some way, so #KeeleyCares pivoted and was able to serve thousands of people across the country. Our incredible Keeley’ns logged over 20,000 hours of service and donated $2,000,000. Watch the video below for a look into everything we accomplished in 2020!
Urban League Food Drives
This summer, over 250 Keeley'ns gave their valuable time to serve over 60,000 families through the Urban League Food Drives. We even had one dedicated Keeley'n formally invited to join the Urban League Board. With over $2 million in donations and gifts contributed to this effort, we have witnessed firsthand that "Together We Make a Difference." Well, we couldn't just stop once the summer ended and we knew we had to get back together and help those in need during the holiday season. On November 21 and December 19, 50 Keeley'ns came out to serve 3,500 families and provide them with food and necessities for the holidays. We are thrilled to continue our partnership with the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis and can't wait to see how we can continue to make a difference together.
The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis has been serving St. Louis communities for over 102 years. Their mission is to empower African Americans and others throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance, social equality and civil rights. #KeeleyCares is thankful to partner with this incredible organization because together we are able to truly make a difference during these difficult times. You can learn more about the Urban League here.

Clean Sweep
Every year, #KeeleyCares proudly supports Operation Clean Sweep and this year was no different! Our first Clean Sweep took place on September 19th in the area around the Grand Ave. Water Tower and Peace Park. 42 Keeley’ns came out and worked alongside the Fred Weber construction crew to rehabilitate this area. Peace Park was renovated by the removal of 30 large trees and crumbled concrete throughout the park. Grand Tower was restored to its full glory with a new paint job and our incredible volunteers helped demolish and remove a large brick home.
Our second Clean Sweep took place on October 17th in the Sherman Park neighborhood where the Urban League’s Headquarters is located. 55 Keeley’ns worked together with volunteers from the Fred Weber construction crew, the MAK Team, and the City SC Ownership Group. These volunteers removed trees, brush, and trash from the new Urban League campus and demolished 14 dilapidated homes in one day! Thank you to everyone who supported Operation Clean Sweep in 2020.
Dodgeball Tournament
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic affecting St. Louis, #KeeleyCares hosted our annual Dodgeball Tournament benefitting Good Shepherd Children & Family Services on March 6, 2020. 2020 was a record-breaking year with over 600 attendees including 250+ Keeley’ns and 30 teams. Together we raised over $65,000 for Good Shepherd! Our Keeley'ns hosted fundraising efforts leading up to the tournament to raise extra money for Good Shepherd, and the team that raised the most money won a night at a St. Louis Cardinals game. Through raffles, pie-ing Keeley'ns in the face, and more, we were able to provide much needed funds and assistance to Good Shepherd. We can’t wait to host 2021’s tournament as soon as it is safe to do so.
Good Shepherd Children and Family Services is a remarkable organization in St. Louis. Their team works hard "connecting children with families & keeping families connected." Their dedicated mission continuously makes our community a better and happier place. In order to achieve their mission, Good Shepherd has four main programs: Foster Care, Infant Adoption, Pregnancy & Parenting Support, and a Maternity shelter for pregnant and parenting teen moms and their babies. These programs offer help, resources, and safe havens for struggling families. Our efforts directly impact these programs and help keep them running. Click here to learn more about Good Shepherd.

Extra Life
For the past seven years, Keeley Companies has loved hosting an Extra Life event to benefit the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Extra Life unites thousands of gamers from around the world to raise money in support of their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. We have made many long-lasting connections and this year was no exception. Even with the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, our Keeley’ns were still able to host an incredible, completely virtual event while raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in St. Louis and Cincinnati. In the weeks leading up to Extra Life, we hosted a company-wide raffle to raise money and for every $20 raised, we put together and donated game bags to the children at the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. This year, the Keeley-sponsored event raised $7,238.50 for the St. Louis Children’s Miracle Network hospital and $5,020.50 for the Cincinnati Children’s Miracle Network hospital, with Nick Knipe, Infrastructure Engineer at ZeroDay, single-handedly raising $4,562. With #KeeleyCares match of $12,259, we were able to raise $24,518! Click here to learn more about this year’s virtual event.
Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has thrived and raised over $50 million! Children's Miracle Network Hospitals are providing critical care to children by raising funds and awareness for 170 hospitals and providing 32 million treatments each year across the U.S. and Canada. Click here to learn more about Extra Life.

Blanket Drive
At the beginning of December, we kicked off our Annual Warm Wishes Challenge. Each Keeley Companies office was encouraged to collect funds to go towards blankets to distribute to homeless communities in our areas. A $5 donation bought 1 blanket and will provide warmth and comfort to someone in need. Our Keeley’ns rallied together across the country and raised over $8,100, providing 1,600+ blankets for those in need. Thank you to everyone for your donations!

We are incredibly thankful to have been able to give back to our communities when they needed it most. We can’t wait to continue giving back in 2021 because together we truly make a difference!
Learn more about #KeeleyCares here.