KeeleyGreen: 2022 Year in Review
As we approach on the one-year anniversary of KeeleyGreen, our cultural pillar focused on building a sustainable future, we look back at the impact KeeleyGreen has had on our company, communities, people, and environment.
Being KeeleyGreen is more than a buzzword or a list of green initiatives. Sustainability is a philosophy engrained into our mission and values, driving our decisions, and motivating our team members to create a better future together. The KeeleyGreen mission concentrates on the environmental aspects of our projects and operations, addressing the things that we influence, on scales both small and large, distant, and nearby. We are part of a larger world and with that comes responsibilities to understand our world and strive to leave it better than we found it. KeeleyGreen helps with our understanding and guides our decision making.
The second part of the KeeleyGreen mission is people-focused: to change behaviors and mindsets. KeeleyGreen carries this mission out by providing educational opportunities, recommendations for greener and more sustainable lifestyle changes, and infusing KeeleyGreen learnings into the Keeley’n culture. KeeleyGreen’s vision is to improve our world by transforming our Keeley’ns, companies, projects, and communities into their most sustainable selves. KeeleyGreen does this by focusing on the triple bottom line – people, planet, and payback. This approach allows us to touch all aspects of sustainability, even giving us the opportunity to partner with our other cultural pillars, truly making KeeleyGreen a way of thinking and a way of life.

This year KeeleyGreen focused on engaging our culture and our people - from what we are doing well, what we need to work on, and where our opportunities lie. All of these bring incredible and needed changes as we continue to be a pillar of sustainability. KeeleyGreen is proud to have started a conscious and guided conversation within Keeley Companies about our sustainability practices and how we can be more KeeleyGreen across everything we do.
With the help of our amazing Keeley’ns and partnerships with #KeeleyCares, KeeleyLife, and KeeleyU:
1. Keeley’ns participated in our Commute Challenge
-15 participants walked, biked, or carpooled to work
-550 miles traveled using alternative modes of transportation
2. Keeley’ns drank 57,722 ounces out of reusable containers, saving the equivalent of 4,810 (8 oz) plastic cups and water bottles.
3. Keeley’ns donated 78 devices to PCs for People so that our electronics can find new life with those in need.
4. KeeleyU helped deliver learning sessions on sustainable home sites and greening up our offices.
5. Keeley’ns planted trees at the Urban League’s HeadStart school in Midtown. We learned proper planting techniques, collaborated with the children at the school, and are helping to maintain what we planted through a tree care plan.
Sustainability is not a one and done task. KeeleyGreen has a long-term outlook on what we plan to accomplish over the next 7-10 years. We are currently in the LEARN phase, and will then move onto the PLAN, ACT and, ITERATE phases. KeeleyGreen is constantly seeking to make “thinking green” an integral part of how we grow and how we partner with our clients.
KeeleyGreen team, we are so proud of the ways in which you have started meaningful conversations within Keeley Companies about our sustainability practices and how we can be more KeeleyGreen across everything we do. We cannot wait to see what comes next!
Learn more about KeeleyGreen here!