KeeleySafe: Our RAVS + Designation
By: Rusty Keeley
The safety of our Keeley’ns is our number one priority. Our award winning, world-class safety culture, KeeleySafe, guides and educates us every single day on not only keeping our people safe but keeping our subcontractors and partners safe as well. We are honored to have received a RAVS+ designation for our safe processes and actions that we employ on every jobsite across the nation.
When we begin a project for a partner, we promise to provide the highest levels of quality and safety. Our job is to prove to them that we mean what we say. As a member contractor of ISNetworld, we have mechanisms, systems, and processes in place that help us do just that – bring our promises to life.
What is ISNetworld? ISNetworld is a clearing house that clears contractors to be able to work on the properties of chemical process manufacturers. They evaluate the experience of the contractor from a safety standpoint, as well as from a business standpoint, to make sure that the contractor that is being employed by this chemical process manufacturer meets a minimum set of criteria. Within ISNetworld is RAVS. RAVS is a review and verification system that looks at the elements that a contractor provides to ISNetworld to evaluate the effectiveness of their safety and risk management program. Within RAVS is a designation called RAVS+. This designation is not something that we, as a member contractor of ISNetworld, can apply for. Rather, this designation is an invitation from a member organization to recognize and exemplify the safety performance of a member contractor.

L. Keeley was nominated for RAVS+ and in order to attain the designation, we had to prove to the reviewers within ISNetworld that we have an organizational structure that supports our risk management program and safety culture and more importantly, supports the risk management program of the contractor that nominated us. We then went through an intense amount of clearing in which we had to provide written programs, models of how we translate these written programs into the organization, and how the end results will get our team members home safely every day because that truly is the most important thing that we can accomplish. Then, the reviewers interview our frontline team members. The evaluation they go through is designed to show ISNetworld that we are doing for our people in the field what we say we are going to do.
When you receive a RAVS+ designation, you maintain it for a period of three years. After that three years, ISNetworld returns and reevaluates safety performance onsite to ensure members are delivering a safe performance on the job. The best thing about receiving this designation is that not a lot of organizations have it. 1% of all member contractors within ISNetworld have the RAVS+ designation; put that into context of over 60,000 contractors, it’s a pretty amazing accomplishment.
“I am so proud of attaining this distinct honor, but I think that one of the things that most people don’t realize is that in order to have this designation, you can’t do things the same old way. We look for new and better ways of improving not only the quality of what we deliver, but most importantly the safety of our people. I couldn’t be prouder.”
-Ray “Safety Ray” Boehm, Senior Vice President of Risk Management
Click here to learn more about our world-class safety culture, KeeleySafe.
