KeeleyU: Supporting the Vision
By: John Regan
At Keeley Companies, we are committed to 20% annual revenue growth and have continually exceeded that level of growth over recent years. This exponential growth brings along a pressing need to grow people within our organization and provide resources for our people to gain the skills they need to further their careers.
Our organization's talent strategy provides regular, hands-on learning opportunities such as: workshops, seminars, and presentations by technical experts and motivational & inspirational speakers. Hours devoted to career development are guided, logged, and tracked for every team member. A comprehensive syllabus is published monthly outlining the scheduled courses and dates with frequent additions as new opportunities become available throughout the year. Team members can access all classes online through a Learning Management System (LMS) regardless of where they are in the nation. Our dedicated Vice President of Learning and Development, lovingly known as “The Professor”, visits jobsites and hosts what we call “roadshows”, bringing education directly to team members in the field. As part of our growth strategy, each team member is responsible for achieving scorecard goals year-over-year. One of those goals, enterprise-wide, includes 40 hours of professional development and educational training for each team member. These 40 hours consist of educational opportunities that will give team members the knowledge they need to reach the next stage of their career and build valuable leadership/business skills, ultimately propelling the company's vision. Through one-on-one meetings and strategic planning sessions, the goals set by our CEO are shared throughout the company. We see buy-in across roles and over the course of the year, KeeleyU provides countless opportunities for team members to learn, grow, and unleash their full potential.

In addition to developing current team members, KeeleyU is also a tool used to recruit top-level talent to join our family. All of this is done to support the company’s mission:
“We are a customer-centric partner providing innovative solutions. The safety, well-being, and career growth of our team members are the benchmarks of our success.”
Through strategic coaching and educational opportunities, we believe that if you get the people right, the results will follow. John Regan, VP of Learning & Development and the leader of KeeleyU, reports directly to our CEO, Rusty Keeley. This ensures that KeeleyU leverages this unique ability to align their mission and goals directly to Rusty’s and ultimately the rest of the company. While strategy regarding people investments and organizational acumen lie with the CEO, it is the KeeleyU team that executes these strategies. Working closely with company leaders guarantees collaboration in which the CEO and leadership team are able to communicate the educational needs that the company has. This ensures people pipelines and educational opportunities are meeting company needs.
Our company and our people would not be in the position they are today without our world-class Learning and Development platform, KeeleyU. To learn more about KeeleyU, click here!